Get Hawt – Week 1 Round-up

Here we go! We got several posts in the first week of our blog party. I will try to recap the posts I saw. If I missed anyone, please feel free to post a link in the comment section.

Jen McCown, in her utterly honest way, gave us a peek of where she was at. She showed us on a chart on where her stats were from a medical point of view. She also showed us a graph she’s been using to track her weight. She was kind enough to share her great tool with anyone who cares to use it. Her goal is to end up with 25 lbs lost in 3 months. She also plans to eat better, and to make exercise a regular part of her routine. With the Get Hawt Blog Party, Jen wants to partner up and kick each others’ butts when they are slacking.

Geek Girl, Stacia Misner posted what worked and didn’t work for her last year. Mostly, it came down to keeping track of what she ate. She also increased her intake of fiber and water, something she learned the importance of in a nutrition seminar she went to. She focused on exercising more, using apps on her phone to help track it. This year, she is planning on trying one new recipe a week, to add to the repertoire of foods. She will continue to track her diet and exercise.

Jules, of the Lazy Pi Farm, is joining the efforts as well. She doesn’t have a lot to lose per the WebMD chart, but she does want to lose 10 lbs. She plans to cut out soda, get rid of candy, and do some sort of movement (walking or yoga).

Rebecca Mitchell, the tsqlprincess, struggles with issues of lactose intolerance. This has had the positive effect of helping her lose weight in the past, but as many of us do in the winter (especially those of us who love chocolate), she has slipped some. She talks about her goals of losing 20 lbs, keeping her sanity, cutting down on dairy again, eating more fruits/veggies, and exercising.

Tim Mitchell (@Tim_Mitchell), no relation to Rebecca, plans to drop 40 lbs before he turns 40 in September. He plans to spend 5 days a week doing some type of exercise, and work at eating better.

Jeff Rush was inducted into the Get Hawt club by Jen. He posted his “origin story” with how he got to where he is at. Through a series of other posts, he explains that he needs to lose 7 fat babies’ worth of weight. So far, he is ahead of his goal.

Denis Gobo (@DenisGobo) was inducted to the Get Hawt Challenge (unknowingly, perhaps) by Tim. His goal is to drop about from 188.6 to 160 lbs by Memorial Day. He is going to change up is work out routine (and keep track of it), track both his weight, and track what he eats. He is also keeping a list of “banned foods.”

Yanni Robel expressed that she wanted in on the Get Hawt Blog Party. She is currently in Florida celebrating meeting her big goal for 2012 (though, I’m sure she will have more that we will hear about soon). She blogged a recap of her amazing first marathon at Disneyworld. Keep in mind, she sprained her ankle 9 days (or so) before her big race!

Kathi Kellenberger (@auntkathi) plans to walk 100 miles a month (WOW). She also wants to drop 30 lbs this year. She does not currently have a personal blog, but wants to be part of the public support group!

Though I didn’t make much progress, I did set some goals. I’d like to lose 15 lbs or so. I want to look and feel better in my clothes. I plan to exercise more, drink more water, and just make better choices as to what I put in my body.

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  1. Trackback: Invitation to #GetHawt Friday 002 – The Buddy System « Jen's Blog: We Owls
  2. Trackback: Invitation to #GetHawt Friday 004 – That Ain’t Workin’ « Jen's Blog: We Owls

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