Why I Blog – #Meme15

There’s been conversation among bloggers as to what got them started publicizing their thoughts in the first place. My husband, Jason Strate (Twitter|Blog) posted a challenge called #Meme15. He challenged people to write about how/why they started blogging, and why they continue. Here’s my contribution:

I started blogging as a way to share ideas with parents and teachers. We have all had moments when all of the sudden, something works like magic. I wanted to be able to share those kinds of moments and hear about those of other parents and teachers. There are also those moments we might not be so proud of. Something we think might work great (either a lesson plan or otherwise) fails in a major way. Sharing those times with others can help us find ways to make it work better next time.

The more I blogged, the more diversified my topics became. I found myself writing about travels, my kids, dance, and just life in general. I wanted to be able to include pictures of my kids, but didn’t necessarily want those mixed in with the posts meant for parents/teachers. I ended up splitting my blog into two separate sites. I’m still not 100% sure that was the right choice. Either way, I just keep on writing posts when I can, and putting them on whichever site seems to fit the topic. I am still writing on a variety of topics, and enjoy being able to put my thoughts out there.

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